The buyers helmet guide!
Happy Friday! After a short hiatus, the blog is back with the newest entry to the buyers guide series! This time around, it everything you need to know about all the helmets on offer here at the Hobby Wheel!
The first main thing you can look for in helmets is known as Mips. This is a rotational protection system helps to keep your head stable in a crash, by separating the inner liner from the outer one, and making them rotate separately. It helps to prevent brain injuries in the event of a crash. Some brands offer a similar system under a different name, but anything that is a rotation protection system, will do the same job.
Comfort helmets
Wearing a helmet is important no matter what type of biking you are doing, even if it’s just cruising around on the Iron Bell trail. Comfort helmets come in many shapes and sizes, but mostly offer a good amount of ventilation, while still offering all the protection you expect from any type of helmet. They range anywhere from $50 up to $160.
Mountain Helmets
The other helmets that you see frequently around here is a mountain helmet. Charecterized by a long protection on the back of the head and a large brim in the front, mountain helmets are designed for giving you all the protection you need to charge through the toughest mountain bike trails. These helmets feature as much ventilation as possible, along with the most protection possible. They are a bit more expensive as a result, ranging from $120 up to $200
Road Helmets
Not something we frequently stock, road helmets are designed for aerodynamics. They cut through the air, allowing you to make up the best times on long road rides. They feature streamlined designs and plenty of impact protection. They range from $100 up to $200.
Full Face Helmets
On the opposite end from Road Helmets is Full face helmets. Built like helmets found in motocross and 4-wheeling, they take protection up to 11. They are made just for the most diehard downhill and extreme mountain bikers. They range from $200 up to $500.
And that puts a wrap on the helmets! A little on the shorter end of our buyers guide, but still just as important. Expect more updates, next Friday on trailhead talks.
Happy Adventuring,